Call for Book Chapters: Deep and Dark Web Security

Proposal Submission Deadline: June 25, 2024  
Full Chapters Due: July 5, 2024  


We are excited to invite submissions for a forthcoming book titled Deep and Dark Web Security. This book aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the deep and dark web, exploring their structures, uses, security issues, and the technologies that enable access and anonymity. It will cover practical aspects, theoretical insights, and emerging trends, serving as a critical resource for researchers, practitioners, and students in the field of cybersecurity.


The book aims to demystify the deep and dark web by shedding light on their functionalities, user bases, and associated security risks. It will offer valuable guidance on navigating these hidden parts of the internet safely, understanding the technologies that underpin them, and recognizing the potential threats and benefits they pose.

Target Audience  

This book will serve as course material for teaching Deep and Dark Web Security to undergraduate and graduate students and will be of interest to:

  • Researchers and scholars in cybersecurity and information technology.
  • Cybersecurity professionals and IT security managers.
  • Law enforcement agencies and legal professionals.
  • Students pursuing advanced degrees in related fields.
  • Policy makers and regulators involved in internet governance and cybersecurity.

Recommended Topics  

We welcome chapters that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

Chapter 1: Overview of the Dark Web, Deep Web, and Clear Net  

  • Definitions and distinctions between the dark web, deep web, and clear net

Chapter 2: Tor Onion and the Silk Road  

  • The Tor network and its role in the dark web  
  • Historical case study of the Silk Road marketplace

Chapter 3: How to Get on the Dark Web  

  • Step-by-step guide to accessing the dark web

Chapter 4: Users of the Dark and Deep Web  

  • Demographics and motivations of dark and deep web users

Chapter 5: Privacy and Anonymity as Core Values of the Darknet  

  • Importance of privacy and anonymity on the dark web

Chapter 6: Web Security and Cryptocurrencies  

  • Security measures on the dark web  
  • Role of cryptocurrencies in dark web transactions

Chapter 7: Accessing the Deep Web and the Dark Web through the TOR Browser  

  • Detailed guide to using the TOR browser for accessing hidden web content

Chapter 8: Navigating the Dark Web  

  • Practical tips for safe navigation  
  • Notable sites and services on the dark web

Chapter 9: Security Issues of the Dark and Deep Web  

  • Common security threats and vulnerabilities

Chapter 10: Tor Alternatives  

  • Other anonymity networks such as I2P,, Orbot, Globus Secure Browser, Comodo Ice Dragon, and FreeNet

Chapter 11: Fighting Cyber Threats on the Deep/Dark Web  

  • Strategies and tools for combating underground hacking and cyber threats

Chapter 12: Monitoring the Dark and Deep Web  

  • Techniques for monitoring and tracking dark web activities  
  • Legal and ethical considerations

Note: All contributors to this book must include relevant Lab Work in their chapter(s) showcasing install your VPN; practice how to access the Deep web and the Dark web with enhanced security; or investigate advanced and famous websites located on the Deep and Dark Web; or practically learn how to anonymously access the darknet and TOR hidden services (onion services), and how to enter the dark web while staying safe. 

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit an extended abstract or chapter proposal of 1,000 to 1,500 words by June 25, 2024, clearly explaining the mission and concerns of their proposed chapter. From June 15, 2024, authors will be notified of the status of their proposals and provided with chapter guidelines. The full chapters are expected to be submitted by July 5, 2024. Monetary incentives would be given to contributors with timely submissions. 

There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication. 

All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-anonymized peer-review editorial process. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

All proposals should be submitted to by June 25, 2024. 


This book is set to be published by the Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, Miva Open University in Abuja.  This publication is anticipated to be released in September 2024.

Important Dates

  • June 25, 2024: Proposal Submission Deadline
  • July 5, 2024: Full Chapter Submission
  • August 15, 2024: Review Results Returned
  • August 20, 2024: Final Acceptance Notification
  • September 30, 2024: Book Publication 

For any inquiries regarding this call for chapters, please contact the editors:

Prof. Tayo Arulogun
Department of Computer Science, Miva Open University, Abuja

Dr. Emeka Ogbuju
Department of Computer Science, Miva Open University, Abuja

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