Admission for the May 2025 academic session is ongoing Apply Now!


Day 3 & 4: Engage in Pre-Academic Programmes & Activities

These activities are crucial because they foster a sense of belonging and community among students. Building connections with classmates creates a network of academic support, allowing students to share knowledge, experiences, and study resources. In essence, these two days set the stage for collaborative learning and informed choices, both of which are fundamental for a successful academic journey at the university.

Delve into departmental insights during the third and fourth orientation session, and connect with your fellow classmates to start building a network of academic support.

  • Attend the third and forth orientation session to meet with department heads and learn more about your programme of study. If you miss it, you can watch a replay provided by the Miva orientation team.
  • Get to know your fellow classmates and exchange contact information.
Wednesday, September 6
– Thursday, September 7, 2023
12:00 PM
– 1:00 PM

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