Day 6 & 7: Take a break Socialise
Take a break and participate in university-organized social events. Rest and relaxation are crucial for optimal learning.
Day 2: Meet the Faculty and academic support staff
We understand that starting a new program can be daunting, but we are confident that you will find the orientation program to be a valuable experience. We encourage you to get involved and take advantage of all that the programme has to offer.
Day 1: Orientation & Set-up
Organizing a conducive workspace is essential because it creates an environment where students can concentrate and study effectively.
This event will explore how students can establish the physical and mental framework necessary for a productive and fruitful academic experience at the university.
The Future of Education
Education and how it is delivered is changing, thanks to the ever-growing impact of technology. From personalized learning to online courses, technology is changing the way we learn and teach.
This event will explore the latest trends in educational technology and how they are shaping our future.
Choosing the Right Degree for Building 21st Century Skill
In today’s rapidly changing world, it is more important than ever to have the skills that will help you succeed in the workforce. 21st century skills are the skills that are essential for success in the digital age. Learn what these skills are and how to develop them.
Miva Open University Admissions Fair
Our Admissions Fair is a great opportunity to learn more about our wide range of programmes and courses. Meet with our faculty members and staff to get insights into our programs and how they can help you achieve your educational goals.